you don't get it, and are either a troll or just an idiot. The only thing sexy here for a straight man is the fact that this girl is such an amazingly talented ass whore that she can handle two cocks at once. However, the cocks touching is a turn-off, a sort of mixed bag both good and bad but amazing that it's possible. Don't sit there and pretend like you know anything about me and what Kim and I are into. People like you are the reason Kim and I don't swing anymore. A couple we set up a night with agreed that there would be no interaction between the men. As the night wore on the male kept assuming he knew what I wanted(much like yourself) Thought he could seduce me and kept attempting to touch me. I asked him several times to stop and he wouldn't he like you kept pushing it. I ended up putting his noise on the other side of his head and knocked out most of his teeth.
But you're enjoying watching dicks rub together. Gay and bi people rub dicks together all the time. Gay and bi people watch videos of dicks rubbing together
Sorry, we all have our likes and dislikes, yours differ from mine, and that's okay. I do not want to touch another man during sex. When we use to swing There was this older couple and the woman loved getting D.P.ed She would ride her husband and I would mount her from behind and fuck her ass. While I was in her ass I could feel her husband's cock in her pussy through the flesh that separates the pussy from the anal canal. Her ass was tight and felt good but feeling the other cock was a turn-off. I had to imagine that she just had an extra tight asshole or my cock would go soft thinking about the other guy's cock rubbing against mine with only a thin piece of flesh between us. I am not gay and am repulsed by other men during sex . one of the reasons we gave up swinging.
Try rubbing dicks together. Your dick will get harder than regular dp. You arr hard from dp so it will feel better feeling the cock in the same hole instead of separate holes
That's fine if you're gay or Bi but I don't like touching other guys cocks or bodies. I have nothing against those that do , but it's not for me. Kim on the other hand is Bi and enjoys the taste of another woman's pussy from time to time.
BLACK COCK in the ASS and showing the very inviting CUNT … Excellent!!