التفريغ الصوتي للفيديو
Hi, how you doing? I am from out of town. I got separated from my friends and I don't have a phone. Would you, I don't know if you're busy, would you mind giving me a ride?
I mean, I don't really like know you, you know, I'm like a little weird about picking up. I've had like past experiences. I haven't been very.
I am stranded. I'm not from here. I don't know where I am really and I lost my friends. I don't know what to do. My phone died.
Well, I'll give you this much. It's not the best neighborhood and I'm willing to help you out. But I mean, like how far are you going? Because I don't know if it's out of my way, you know.
Um, I, I don't think the hotel is that far from here. I mean, I honestly, I don't know my way around very well. So I don't know. It's not that far.